I have considered, at length, the dilemma facing Christians with whether or not to receive refugees in our country. I have nothing new to add to all the posts, blogs and articles that have been eloquently written, for both “sides.”
I have my own opinions but I will not use this forum to debate them. Instead, I want to use this space to cover another concern…one that I think is more serious and pressing.
That issue is how Christians are treating one another in all these writings and different venues.
I have seen words of vehemence, accusations and condescension, as well as calling other’s Christianity into question, way too many times.
As I was reading in Ephesians today, I was further burdened as I read the words Paul wrote in chapter 4, verses 1-3. “Therefore, I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.”
Some of the words I have read have been anything but humble and gentle, as accusations and opinions have flown.
Attacks have been made against Christians instead of perpetrators who have created this crisis of refugees. Neither have other religions or countries been confronted.
Instead, Christian against Christian, in anger and pride (in my opinion).
Scripture has been used to create an atmosphere of guilt. Honestly, I can find Scripture to use for both sides of the argument.
I am so disheartened by all of this. Satan must laugh as he’s using another event to turn us against one another. As he’s mocking one of the greatest commandments, and also the chance, once again, to prove to the world that we love one another.
There are other concerns I have about all this, and a little off subject. But one is the fact that there are plenty of opportunities that we pass up every day to help those we do know. Needs of which we are certainly aware, whether emotional, financial or spiritual. For Christians AND non-Christians. Yet, countless people are able to argue a dilemma that is greatly charged with controversy.
Please, can we step back a moment and give God a chance to work in this? Do we really have any choice in the outcome, at the end of the day? And can we please love one another as Christians, and reach out to needs that are at our fingertips?