I’d heard of the term “mommy blogger” before and decided to do some research. Wow….they’re all over the internet, and usually have specific criteria that marks them as such.
Since I don’t fit the category, I searched “middle aged blogger.” Wow. I was shocked at the language some of these ladies my age are using. I guess it’s considered cool, but that’s just not me, although I’ve been known to have a slip of the tongue.
So, before you go any further, I’ll tell you what I’m about. Then you can decide if you’re interested. Hopefully, somebody will be. I’m 58 right now (2014), and have what some probably would consider a very boring life.
I’ve never been about “doing lunch” as I think the conversation is typically shallow, but such that I could still drown.
We are not financially set well enough to go off on vacations every other month or do fancy things.
I’m a midwestern born and bred girl from Missouri. I love the Lord with a passion; love my husband, kids, their spouses, grandkids, fried chicken and Hawaii. And sometimes not in that order.
Speaking of the Lord, and yes, I will almost always speak of Him, He’s my life. No, He’s not a part of my life, He IS my life. I realize I could not breath, walk, enjoy beauty, love, receive love or care one flip about the lost people of this world if He were not my life.
I have so much favorite scripture, I don’t know where to start, but one of my favorite accounts of Jesus is when he allowed the “sinful” woman to anoint Him at the home of that ever so arrogant Pharisee, Simon, in Luke 7. I relate so well to her.
I will very regularly post pictures from Hawaii, as it’s my very favorite place in the world.
So, I would love to hear about topics you would like me to cover…because we all know I’m an expert at everything.
Oh, wow! we’re middle aged! I’m not sure what I’d like to hear more about. How about, how we’re middle aged but we’re not done yet?